Friday, November 30, 2012

catch video

a pitch for our multimedia experience system, "catch," a way for alzheimer's patients and their families to try to preserve memories together while they can.

the box

the standard screen. william wants to catch a memory.

he has five inputs. 4 digital, and 1 physical. he's inputting a physical object. 

he holds it up to the internal camera of the box's screen.

the camera focuses and catches the key.

next, he will teach the screen what the pressure sense of the object is. 

now the box can recognize when the key is placed on it.

three inputs are available for the primary description method.

they use the video recording to descrive the object.

touching the camera icon turns the recording on and off.

this memory has been caught!

later, william wants to reminisce.

he lays an object on the box.

this displays the memory map associated with the object, as it has been added to by others.

the mobile app allows william's grandson jacob to capture a memory on the fly, as well as scroll through the most recently added memories.

the hub, as seen through a website.

rollover states describe the two options.

twila wants to catch a memory.

she can add a new memory from her webcam, or upload from her computer.

she uploads from her computer. 

the photo becomes full bleed with the opportunities to add information about the memory. 

twila can circle a moment to tell its story.

twila adds her memory to the photo.

as more people add memories to the photo, these vignetted designs will allow each moment to tell its story individually.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

rosedale identity & communication

this is a two-part initiative to unite the citizens of rosedale under a single visual identity that they can take pride in and that can represent them positively to the outside community, all while helping to facilitate communication between the neighborhood's many organizations & resources and the community members that they serve. this is divided into 6 components: a new identity system, environmental implementations, supporting materials, a promotional video, a kit of parts for branding further video productions, and a rosedale guide booklet of resources and directories.

Final Presentation

with love,
the superduperultramegaübergroup (michael armstrong, eli brumbaugh, abby carr, ashley einspahr, collin rausch, and jessi wilson)