Friday, October 15, 2010

type reading:

full of handy information like default leading (space between lines of text!) being around 120% of the typeface's cap height. tracking refers to the distance between letters in a way that kerning must not really do all on its own? the idea in all these things is to create a smooth grey space rather than stripes of unintelligible text.

i wish i could understand how text was ever set into a justified paragraph... that confuses me so much in terms of the calculations necessary, as you type in real time and your words scramble to look nice.

centered is, of course, a bit dull. and left and right aligned must fight to maintain a simple, nondescript rag (unaligned edge) to ensure it looks random and careless.

stacked letters are difficult, it seems, and ever using lowecase is punishable by type death.

my timestamp and likely typos betray me,

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