Monday, January 24, 2011

we're baaa-aaack... type 2, project 1, part 1.

and they're off!

our first type project of the semester is a typographic campaign centered around a design-related quote. we are creating two contrasting compositions for a 7x5 in postcard, the theoretical audience for which being those in the kansas city community who attend the crossroads's "first fridays" gallery crawl. the trick of this project is that our postcards are to be produced using the letterpress. [this is one reason why our audience is more hypothetical than practical, although marty did say that if we wanted to produce enough postcards to actually hand out, then more power to us.]

i have chosen the following quote:

"design is where science and art break even."

the speaker is robin mathew, the strategic and creative head for ét interactive design. the word et, coming from latin, is a conjunction, is a connector. it means "and" or even "plus" in the mathematical sense. this is critical to their design philosophy. their work is all about connections, and they strive to eliminate distinctions and obstructions from design thinking. in this view, it's not about what design isn't, or what it can't do. [design, then, is everything, and it can do anything!] it is this combination, the addition of this and that, the balance of multiple, even opposing, forces, that give design its strength.

design is the solution to the equation of science and art, after cross-multiplying and reducing and balancing. it is where science and art break even.

1 comment:

  1. Nice explanation of the quote. It would be nice to know a bit more about why you chose the quote. Why do you find it important? You hint at it here: "[design, then, is everything, and it can do anything!]"
