Wednesday, February 9, 2011

type campaign

we were to choose 2 additional quotes to work with the quote we chose for letterpress, and devise a campaign to inform the public about some aspect of design. as you may or may not recall, my letterpress project was based off the robin mathew quote that "design is where science and art break even."

to complement this, i chose the following two others:

" a designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic,
objective economist and evolutionary strategist. "

richard buckminster fuller (1895-1983)

"bucky" the engineer, designer, inventor, author, futurist. he is the person whose name was given to "buckyballs," spherical carbon molecules, shaped like soccer balls. he was the person who coined the term "spaceship earth." set about trying to help the world after the death of his daughter. he is the creator of the geodesic dome. he was focused on environmentally friendly design and ephemeralization: doing more with less. 

" designers may be the true intellectuals of the future. "

paola antonelli

she is the senior curator of moma. she wants everyone to realize the influence design has on both society and progress, and respect designers as the extremely powerful influence-wielders and world-shapers that they are.

as for my campaign itself, i want to target the left-brained math/science/tech demographic who are prone to thinking they can't or don't want to have anything to do with art or design, often because we draw such hard lines between left/right brain endeavors. at the same time, i want to target the artist types who don't think they're capable of tackling left brained issues, because it's been so heavily implied that you can't have it both ways. it's important for everyone to recognize the blur of those divisions and how critical it is to collaborate across the way.

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