Monday, October 3, 2011

union station!

despite my devout love for union station, i just realized i have yet to blog about this project.
next on the narrative in sound and motion dockett is an interactive timeline, using both linear and nonlinear (user-controlled) elements, about the history of union station for their 100 year anniversary. my partner for this project is erika g and we've done a lot of thinking and sketching but i haven't scanned any of it in, yet. we also recently got to visit union station itself and speak with the c.e.o. which was really exciting. we received a compelling oral history of the building, and if he had been selling it, we would have bought it. (that's how good a speaker he was!)

the way this project is arranged is such that each partnergroup has a different decade, and put together, all ten groups make up the whole century of union station. everybody from the forties onward feels slighted due to lessening rail travel, but our decade is a little unique: we have the 1990s, wherein union station was actually literally closed down until 1999. this means we've had to take a slightly different route with our concept, and our timeline is less about the things happening in union station the building and more about the politics and shifting social climate outside. there were many arguments, activism, and steps to be taken before union station finally reopened, so we're focusing journalistically on that angle of history rather than the literal whats and the whens. more about the hows and the whos!

i think we're both pretty excited about this project, so i know it'll turn out well. and i love partnerwork. i feel so much better about design when i can go in with a buddy. it's just like spelunking! much less dark and empty and terrifying when you aren't alone.

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