Sunday, September 23, 2012

"he might be giant"/"guerilla street postering"/"adbusters"

shepard fairey says: "'i hate stuff that's too self-righteous.' rather than subject people to sloganeering, he wants them to have their own epiphanies.'"

is this stance compatible with the idea of ethical design, the sort that fairey might call "self-righteous" but also works directly towards a beneficial end?

robbie conal's guerilla street postering proclaims "colloquial american english is the most subversive form of communication on the planet, and humor helps."

what is it about that, the slang and low-brow, that becomes the strongest way to communicate?

kalle lasn describes "true cost": "simply means that before designers begin work on a new product, they consider the ecological and psychological consequences of what they do. in other words, they plan to minimize the damage before they maximize the cool." 

how likely is it that this is always going to be an uphill battle against the client? will values ever shift to the point that this is a consideration that is not our responsibility alone to consider?

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