Thursday, February 3, 2011

image class identity book

edit: this is how critique went! we all swapped books around the table. erika ended up with mine, and here were some of the things my "pleased to meet you" project evoked from both her and the rest of the class, paraphrased from my notes:
•warmth, especially from the colors and the mood and the personal nature of the pictures.
•humanity, from the handmade type and the intimacy of the photos, taken in their locations.
•friendly, being fun and free-spirited and having a goofy hat.
•clarity, from the short depth of field and its implications.
•wisdom, in a light-hearted, dorky way.
•pattern, from the flowers on the hat and the sparkle of the owl.
•noise, from the background information.

these things are basically spot on!
i elaborated a little bit on how i want to be wise but not presumptuous, so i chose a silly looking little owl, and how trying to fit my whole unfamiliar self into 3 images was horrifying so i chose a simple little sliver and hoped that would tell more about me than anything else. amusingly, nobody ever read anything more into my fedora than "she always wears that," which is not exactly untrue. it's representative of my infatuation with hats, my infatuation with accessorizing, and vintage fashion, and also my infatuation with the owner of its mate, my boyfriend, with whom i trade fedoras whenever i get to see him. but. just as easily, it's an index of me because i wear a fedora a lot. i just thought it might help to elucidate a bit more about why.//

these are images i finally settled on, re-shot, and tidied up, in action.

we missed our critique over a snow day, but we should be having at the very least an abbreviated talk about these tomorrow, at which point i intend on returning to this post and talking about the critique i receive.

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