i've got two pretty different infographics to share with you presently, from thankfulfor.com and hiphop dx respectively. the first one i think does a nice job of unifying a lot of very different imagery through a visual system. it conveys the information of how many people online wrote about being thankful for different things while depicting with illustrative icons what those things are. this tells the story of the people online, and the things that are most important to them. it paints a picture of peoples' values as a whole, compared across common priorities, all while keeping a sweet, playful look that's appropriately joyful.
the rise and fall of lil jon, on the other hand... well, it has a lot more narrative to it. it utilizes a timeline to describe his extreme success and then his extreme financial hardship along several years while backing up that narrative with some select other information such as bar charts about record sales or awards. the timeline could operate without those things, but they add an extra level of understanding to the situation by showing how great/awful things were with numbers and shapes rather than simply telling us with words. the look of this infographic has appropriately obnoxious type.
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