Monday, April 11, 2011


later, i'll be posting some choice image/image or image/text combos to explain where these concepts came from, but for now, these are some concepts i'm thinking about for my exhibit campaign.

pop star®: music for the masses.
dealing with the fake, contrived nature of the popular music industry as well as the insidious ways its consumption becomes inevitable. think a slightly paranoid, cynical public service announcement.

from analog to digital: a history of music technology.
looking at the tools people have used throughout history to record, play and interact with sound, up through today's convenient digital culture. think an education about historical and modern artifacts through both science and culture.

underground kings: a dj family tree.
acknowledging the people who really got the ball rolling on the modern idea of dj, starting with hip-hop and looking at the state of the culture today in terms of the mashup. think a slightly reverent set of biographies (and oh man probably wax figures?).

remix pirates: sailing the copyright seas in the digital age.
putting into perspective the legal aspects of music production and consumption including where the money actually goes when you buy something and how copyright works in terms of remix. think the kind of education one seeks when they're inhabiting in a legally grey area: practical and without judgement.

1 comment:

  1. interesting exhibits and descriptions.

    love all of your titles but analog to digital doesn't have quite the catchy ring the others do.

    and the sub-titles for all need more work. in fact, i question whether you need the sub-titles for any of them because they are plenty informative on their own.
