Friday, April 15, 2011

dvd cover research

inconvenient truth is an example of doing a really awesome combination of images, a swap that makes sense and builds a very clear new meaning about how industry relates to climate change.

don't laugh. the jaws poster/cover has a spectacular use of threat and dramatic irony, with the happy little person completely oblivious to their imminent peril. the tension here is terrific, and a good metaphor for how ignorantly we're just prancing through the world despite our rapidly approaching doom.

this life dvd does a really lovely job of compositing imagery. we understand that these things would never, could never be this close together, but the manipulation is clean and attractive and allows us to suspend our disbelief to accept how diverse the planet's life is.

bbc's planet earth itself, all 11 dvd covers of it. (is this all of them?) i think this is a nice example of how a treatment can be used to unify a lot of very different imagery. by curving the horizon against the darkness of space, we have a really intense push/pull between close photography and the idea of the planet itself, and regardless of the content of the photos, they look like they belong together.

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