Monday, March 12, 2012

angry type

having improved my collection process, my prompts now go as follows:

1. please write the alphabet.
2. please tell me a story about a time you were (feeling).
3. please write the alphabet again.

i asked for both upper and lowercase, but in some cases, people's mistakes were very telling, such as the neglect of a lowercase during the angry experiment.

this is what everyone's angry handwriting looks look put together:

and this is the typeface i constructed utilizing a compilation of pre-angry samples for the lowercase and post-angry samples for the uppercase. the reason for this distinction being our use of capital letters for emphasis, so, in the case of someone being angry, caps are often construed as shouting or screaming.
this gives an example of type in lowercase and then an example of type in uppercase.

here's an example of the typeface in action, emphasizing a word using the caps system.

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