Sunday, February 20, 2011


we're going to jump right into the second step here, because the first can be summed up in the following: used imprecise tools to make messy simplifications of our objects. largely an unattractive procedure, much aided by the next step.

the next step: convert messy simplifications into purposeful, principled icons. or at the very least, set them upon that path. i had a sidequest: redo some of my simplifications to get away from dull representation and into some imagery more appropriate to my values (iconoclasm/remix/revolution). 

one of the directions i was most interested in was the idea of spray stencils, graffiti and street art being tied deeply into dj culture, and being visually representative of my values: the vandalism, the reinterpretation of imagery through a different means, the anarchic undertones.

i had 22 icons to show in class, and then spoke to jamie afterward, to show her my stencils and talk about the directions i'm most interested in going.

the two directions i am pursuing from this point are two-staged. first, i am developing high-contrast designs to stencil, and then i am spraying them to get at iconoclasm and revolution, (see the first two images) and second, i am developing clean, bubble-icons to split on the diagonal, to make positive on one side and negative on the other, to get at the idea of remix. (see the bottom right four icons above)

1 comment:

  1. I really like the method you approached, they are looking really nice.
