Sunday, April 17, 2011

museum exhibit ketchup, backstory, or whatever you'd like to call it

so about that anchorage & relay idea. i think i've explained it previously, but just in case, here's a super-quickest explanation: anchorage relationships reinforce one another, whereas relay relationships expand one another.

here are my 24 anchorage/relay exercises that sparked the museum exhibit discussions.

first, text anchorage, using my icons and words that reinforce what they are.

next, image anchorage, using my icons and images that reinforce what they are.

now, text relay, which uses my icons and words that aren't directly related, asking the viewer to draw conclusions.

here are some details, because some of those are kind of hard to read.

and lastly, image relay, which takes my icons and pairs them with not-directly-related imagery and asks the viewer to figure out what is being said by the relationship.

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