Monday, March 4, 2013

spatial: concepting and programming.

abby carr and i brainstormed on this for quite a while. we wanted to come up with something really original and unique to relate to dieter rams' 10 principles for good design, so we started throwing out ideas. 

one thing led to another, and all of a sudden we were talking about sex toys. i know, right? it started off as a joke, but the longer we talked about it, we found ourselves more and more fascinated by the idea of artifacts designed for pleasure—not just sex toys, but things like playground equipment and children's toys. moreover, we found that there's actually quite a huge market for these well-designed "artifacts of pleasure," as we began to call them, and that most of them aligned with rams' ideas regarding participatory design and usefulness.

so, we give you... 
"artifacts of pleasure"

programming/game plan:
we spent some time working on how we want visitors to move through the space and roughly worked out what content each gallery would hold. we want this to be a really interactive and participatory experience, so we've left plenty of open space and created various opportunities for movement and play. and yes, that is a slide.

we still have yet to work out our exact content (pending concept approval), but we're both very excited about putting a new spin on rams' 10 principles by showcasing these "artifacts of pleasure." 

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