Tuesday, September 14, 2010

blog posting idea: the daily desk

i spoke to marty about trying to figure out how to document my processes, being somebody who has no history of or inclination towards doing that, and i'm going to condense and paraphrase what she said into "err on the side of too much." in the spirit of that advice, i've got a concept and i'm not positive i'll be able to keep up with it, but i thought it might be interesting just every day to document the state of my desk when i'm right in the middle of things and describe what it is i am working on.

a "daily desk," if you will.

so anyway. here is yesterday's... and today's should come along later, if all goes according to plan

this is working on the next step of the typography assignment, creating compositions out of our narrative-words using the same principles as the warm up: seeing how syntax, the technical presentation of the text, can impact the semantics, what it's saying. we are doing this "analogue" to see where the serendipity of cutting and moving and overlaying ends up taking us, ideally to places we would not have thought to go were we just moving things around on a computer screen and resizing as we go. i started out with a few pages of sketches before choosing monotype grotesque and beginning to print out some options. as you can see, i'm excited about the possibility to mirror letters, i think i will be able to heighten the meanings of some of my words by doing that.


this is a combo of viscom and color/form. as you can see, my itten color wheel is onscreen, where i was adding the cmyk percentages after building it in class. it was so hard to reconcile the math with what i was seeing, so while i began using math, i frequently ended up tweaking what i was seeing. so you'll notice that my numbers are all rounded off into fives, but they might be a little bit arbitrary.

all the physical stuff you can see, i have been accumulating for my viscom dotbook. some notable examples are the spools of ribbon, the cookbook, the king james new testament, and a box of bandaids.
i'm also currently finding high-res images for the remaining things i want to use that i was not able to satisfactorily find in real life.

now back to it.


  1. Everyone's process is different so I'm glad you're trying to find a way that works for you. I usually just try to take a lot of pictures throughout the process and then I try to block some time out when it's convenient and reflect. Making time to blog is probably the hardest part especially for me cause it takes me forever to write, but it's really important to do.
