Monday, September 13, 2010

itten colorstar!

(it's so pretty!) the middle ring is pure colors, inside is tints, & outside is shades... working towards white and black respectively.

complementary: direct opposites, these have the most visual contrast and tend to vibrate. they are jarring. don't you dare use them for text or you will burn in type hell. 

split complementary: a three-color combo, one hue and two others that are equidistant from its complement. it doesn't have so much tension, it's hard to mess up.

double complementary/tetradic: a four-color combo, with two complementary pairs. it is wise to let one pair be dominant.

square: a tetradic set of colors, but all equally spaced around the color wheel.

analogous: a set of colors (three?) that are net door to one another on the wheel. pleasant, similar harmony. 

triadic: a three-color combo that are all equally spaced. so vibrant! usually smart to desaturate a little.

monochromatic: a color-set of tints and shades, all derived from the same hue.

with any color-sets, it is generally smart to pick a dominant hue and then a sort of "second-in-command" and let the rest be accents. it can hurt to have too many colors wanting to be dominant.

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