Friday, September 17, 2010

"experiential typography"

a "one day" sun poem that can only be read on the solstices...

you've got to check this out, it's so lovely.

it is a structure with perforations that allow for the sun to spell out poetry from bright pinholes. it contains two poems, one for the summer and one for the winter, and the poem cycles through its lines depending on the sun's angle throughout those days.

the amount of forethought required for such a piece is kind of staggering. i wonder if they just started experimenting, using trial and error, or if they figured out some sort of perfect formula to make it work properly the first time? at least, if it didn't work that first solstice, you'd have six months to fix it before it was expected to work again.

marty is giving one on one critiques in class presently. apparently i didn't do the project wrong after all! sweet relief! it's hard to trust yourself, though, if you've messed up like that before (and i have, and it's awful).

now to add-to/organize a process binder!

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